August 9th 2023 ~ GLADIATOR Update ~

Not much to update on at this point, did some minor work on THE UNTITLED GAME. Only made an extremely barebones start menu. Will likely do some more work later on today. Hoping to have a naked demo by the end of month, so I have some learning and work cut out for me. Along side my demo this site still needs some work done also.

- THE UNTITLED GAME now will be going under the working title of GLADIATOR. The idea of the game will be a level-by-level horde survival style game, with the setting of an ancient Roman Colosseum. after each wave you will be given a random choice of weapon upgrade or stat upgrade (Think Vampire Survivors) try to survive as many waves as you can while upgrading.

- Did some more work on the menu screen, added a background image and title image, along with some buttons for future features of player upgrades and achievement menus.

August 7th 2023

Hello, and welcome to Bubbanaut Games! I am a Solo Indie Game Developer, and this is where I post my games and updates on them. I have ZERO Game Dev experience, this is just me having fun trying to learn something new, and maybe one day I’ll make something that other people enjoy.

- Began work on a survival rougelite game. No name or theme right now, just working on the mechanics.